Buncombe County -- November 29, 2024: Buncombe County Government Press Release: Residents Encouraged to

Sign Up Now for Trash and Recycling Pick Up

Cart Transition Happening Beginning in December.

FCC Environmental Services will begin serving as the solid waste residential garbage and recycling hauler in the unincorporated areas of Buncombe County beginning January 2, 2025. If you are a current Waste Pro customer, you will need to sign up with FCC Environmental to continue receiving trash and recycling pick-up service in the new year. Buncombe County Solid Waste is working to coordinate the collection and distribution of Waste Pro and FCC trash and recycling cans in unincorporated areas of Buncombe County. The transition plan for can exchange includes both collection of Waste Pro cans with subsequent distribution FCC cans. Customers can expect to see this type of activity beginning early next week.
Mailers have been sent to current Waste Pro subscribers and all single-family residences in unincorporated Buncombe County. Waste Pro will send a mass notification to all current customers to notify them of this transition.
Residential Trash Service in December
Beginning December 2, 2024, current Waste Pro subscribers can expect to have their trash and recycling picked up per usual schedule. Waste Pro will then collect Waste Pro trash and recycling cans shortly thereafter. In the same timeframe, FCC will run the same routes to distribute new FCC cans. The FCC cans will be the same size as previous cans. While the goal is to avoid any change in service for the customer, we encourage customers to monitor the progress of this transition and make arrangements for trash and recycling in the event that you are in the timeframe between collection and distribution of cans. While both providers will service cans as needed throughout the transition, please call FCC if you are without new carts. Maps for pickup are available at www.buncombecounty.org/solidwaste.
Customers who have purchased a bear cart from Waste Pro will continue to be able to use it. As FCC drops new cans off, they will place a new FCC sticker on the bear carts over the Waste Pro logo.
Customers can use their new FCC cans as soon as needed. Please sign up with FCC Environmental now to ensure that your account is set up. FCC will begin quarterly billing for customers who do not opt out of service. If you do not opt out of service, you will be sent a bill for service. FCC will be sending mailers to customers to provide information on service days and a calendar for easy reference.
Pricing structure details:
Basic Service: Priced at $28.65 per month.
Premium Service: Available at $59.00 per month. Premium Service includes additional driving beyond the pre-determined pick-up locations that may also require use of special equipment. 
Additional Services: "Bear Carts" available for purchase at $320.00 or a monthly lease of $10.16, and additional carts with service at a monthly lease of $12.00.
Supplemental Information:
(828) 820-7022
For more information, please visit Buncombe County Solid Waste FAQs

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