Avery County -- September 26, 2024: Avery County Government: The State of Emergency has been REVISED to include

that a CURFEW WILL BE lIMPLEMENTED in Avery County!

NOTE: A curfew shall be implemented during the state of emergency in Avery County between the hours of 8:00 pm and 5:00 am by the chairperson of Avery County Board of Commissioners.

The adjustments have been made for the saftey of all citizens, after reports from the US National Weather Service advise that this is a life threatening event with anywhere from 10-15 inches of rain to follow and wind gusts over 50mph.

This evening the Village of Sugar Mountain Posted the following on social media: Avery County and the Village of Sugar Mountain have declared a State of Emergency for Avery County effective immediately. The following restrictions will now be in place: Evacuation: During this event, any evacuations orders could be mandatory.

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