Haywood County -- September 26, 2024: Haywood County Emergency Services: Haywood County could experience historic


Flash Flooding: Widespread flash flooding is expected, with some areas at risk for catastrophic and life-threatening flooding.

Landslides: There’s high confidence that landslides and debris flows will happen during the heaviest rainfall, starting tonight (Thursday, 9/26) through Friday afternoon.

Wind: Wind gusts of 45 to 60 mph are expected tonight into Friday morning, likely causing downed trees and power outages.

Flood Watch: A Flood Watch is in effect for flash flooding through 2 pm Friday.

Rain Pattern: Today’s rain is coming from the Southeast, with a path similar to Tropical Storm Fred.

State of Emergency (SOE): The County is under a local state of emergency, which includes Waynesville, Maggie Valley, Clyde, and Canton.

Search and Rescue: A 35-person Search and Rescue (USAR) team is arriving today and will be staged at Haywood Community College.

Shelter: Haywood County will open an emergency shelter at the Armory, located at 235 Armory Drive in Clyde today at 3:00 PM. Residents seeking shelter are welcome to arrive any time after opening. If you have medication, oxygen, or other medical necessities, please bring them with you.

Please enter the building where the Red Cross trailer is.
Important Pet Information: If you plan to bring a pet to the shelter, please ensure you have the following:
-All pets MUST be crated
-All pets MUST have a collar/leash with proper tags (rabies vaccination required by NC law)
-Food and water bowls
-Cleaning items (litter, bags, etc.)
Welcome Center: The Fines Creek Community Center has opened as a welcome center where people can get out of the rain, recharge, and relax.
Additional updates will be on social media, ReadyHaywood.com, etc., and be sure to sign up for county alerts at alerts.haywoodcountync.gov.

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