Hendersonville --  Hendersonville has a great option to sign up for weather alerts and other notifications. The notifications

integrate with your family’s Smart911 account- allowing you to remain safe and informed during emergencies.

Alert HVL: 

AlertHVL Powered by Smart911

AlertHVL is the official notification system used by the City of Hendersonville to communicate both emergency and non-emergency information with city residents and visitors. Sign up now to receive free alerts from the City via text message, email, or voice message. You decide which types of notifications you receive and how you receive them.

Sign-up for Alerts

Smart911 is a free service that allows the public to provide additional details to emergency dispatchers and first responders. Users create a safety profile for their household and the information is only available to first responders in the event 911 is dialed. Smart911 is a secure, national service that allows your safety profile to travel with you and be visible to participating 911 centers. 

Sign up weather alerts and other notifications at www.www.hendersonvillenc.gov/alert-hvl


Image: WNCTimes

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