Asheville -- September 23, 2024: Asheville Police Department: Congratulations to Capt. Joe Silberman,

one of two hundred and fifty-four law enforcement officers who graduated from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The 291st session of the National Academy consisted of men and women from 47 states, 7 military organizations, the District of Columbia, Guam, and 26 partner countries.

Internationally known for its academic excellence, the National Academy consists of 10 weeks of advanced communication, leadership, criminal investigation, and fitness training. Participants must have proven records as professionals within their communities to attend and complete a lengthy application and screening process. FBI Academy instructors, special agents, and other staff with advanced degrees provide instruction, and attendees earn graduate credits through the University of Virginia. The National Academy is held at the FBI Training Academy, the same facility where the FBI trains its new special agents and intelligence analysts.

A total of 55,440 graduates have completed the FBI National Academy since it began in 1935. Since Chief Everett attended the 2nd session in 1936, Capt. Silberman is the 21st member of the Asheville Police Department to make the journey to the academy as a member of the department. While attending Capt. Silberman earned a graduate certificate from the University of Virginia and was lauded by the FBI for his participation in the International Program.

Image: Asheville Police Department

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