McDowell County -- September 18, 2024: McDowell County Sheriff's Office: Frank L. Benfield of Old Fort is charged with 

Fleeing to Elude Arrest with a Motor Vehicle, misdemeanor Reckless Driving with Wanton Regard, and misdemeanor Driving While License Revoked Not Impaired Revocation. 

He was given secured bond of $5,000.

 On September 4, detectives and deputies conducted a driver's license checkpoint at the intersection of Mount Hebron and Pine Cove Roads. During the pause, a Chevrolet pickup vehicle approached from the direction of Bat Cave Road. The driver promptly reversed direction and accelerated rapidly.

A pursuit ensued, culminating with detectives detaining Benfield in the driveway of a nearby property.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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