Macon County -- August 23, 2024: Macon County Sheriff's Office: On Wednesday, a search warrant was conducted at

111 Crabtree Lane resulted in multiple narcotics-related arrests:

Mathew Douglas Rowe has been charged with:

- Trafficking Opium/Heroin
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Bond $200,000

Autumn Renae Sanders has been charged with:

- Possession with intent to manufacture/deliver Marijuana
- Possession Schedule II substance
- Maintaining Vehicle/Dwelling Place
- Possession with Intent to Manufacture/Sell/Deliver Schedule III Controlled Substance
- Possession of Firearm by Felon
- Simple Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance
- 2 counts of Schedule III Simple Possession
- Simple Possession of Schedule IV Controlled Substance
- No bond, 48 hour hearing

William Clay Tucci Casselli has been charged with:

- Possession with intent to manufacture/sell/deliver Schedule II controlled substance
- Possession with intent to manufacture/deliver Marijuana
- Possession Schedule II substance
- Maintaining Vehicle/Dwelling Place
- Possession of Firearm by Felon
- Simple Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance
- 2 counts of Schedule III Simple Possession
- Simple Possession of Schedule IV Controlled Substance
- No bond, 48 hour hearing

Jerimy Adam Burr has been charged with:

- Possession of Methamphetamine
- Maintaining Vehicle/Dwelling/Place CS
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia
- Possession of .5 oz of Marijuana
- No bond, 48 hour hearing

Melissa Sue Chennault Barnes has been charged with:

- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Bond of $2,500

Janis Meredith Kendall has been charged with:

- Maintaining Vehicle/Dwelling Place
- Bond of $7500

Dallas Giles Dishman has been charged with
- Possession of Methamphetamine
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Bond of $1500

Blaine Owen has been charged with

- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Bond of $2500

"This was a huge win in our battle against Narcotics in Macon County,” said Sheriff Brent Holbrooks. “We also appreciate Macon County Probation for their invaluable assistance on this search warrant.”

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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