Buncombe County -- August 21, 2024:  Buncombe County Government Community News: A public hearing was held for

the 2025 Schedule of Values for the upcoming property reappraisal. The Board will vote on the schedule at its Sept. 3 regular meeting.

โ€ฃ The Board approved a resolution to accept a $1,000,000 grant to support recovery housing for women and mothers in Asheville as part of the Community Development Block Grant Recovery Housing Program.
โ€ฃ The Board selected members for the new Short-Term Rental Ad Hoc Committee, which will present recommendations to the Planning Board in November.

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โ€ฃ Buncombe Countyโ€™s Economic Services department was recognized for winning the NCACC Civic Excellence in Innovation Award for its โ€œPioneering a Shared Training Hubโ€ project, which provides cost and resource savings for counties.

โ€ฃ Vic Isley, President and CEO of Explore Asheville, provided an update to the Board regarding the TDAโ€™s strategies, lodging tax investments, and the economic impact visitors have had on the local community.

โ€ฃ Commissioners proclaimed August 26-30 as SMART Week, emphasizing the importance of secure gun storage to prevent gun violence. The week promotes community education, commands the Be SMART program for advocating responsible gun ownership, and protects children and teens.

โ€ฃ Commissioners recognized August 1-7 as World Breastfeeding Week to promote health, bonding, and to acknowledge the disparities in birth outcomes among the Black community.

โ€ฃ The board approved a resolution for the FY25 DWI Task Force Funding from the N.C. Governorโ€™s Highway Safety Program. This is the fifth year of the program, with an increasing county match required for funding the Buncombe County Sherriffโ€™s Office positions.

โ€ฃ The Board consolidated $2,458,869 from a previous budget into the ongoing 200 College Street renovation project, increasing the overall project budget to $4,958,869 without requiring additional County funding.

Read more about last eveningโ€™s meeting by clicking the link in our bio.
Questions? Email letstalk@buncombecounty.org or call (828) 250-4066.

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