Buncombe County Tax Bills Available Online Now
Buncombe County -- August 2024: Buncombe County Government Commmunity News: For Buncombe County property
owners, property tax notices (bills) are now available online at our one-stop property tax resource tax.buncombecounty.org. Tax notices will be in the mail starting the second week of August and due Sept. 1, with a four-month grace period that allows you to pay through Jan. 6, 2025, without penalty. From important dates and payment plans to the Homeowner Grant Program, here’s everything you need to know.
Important dates:
August 2024: 2024 tax bills are mailed, and payment plan enrollment opens.
Sept. 1, 2024: Tax bills are due (interest is not added to an unpaid amount until Jan. 7).
Sept. 30, 2024: Deadline for Homeowner Grant application.
Jan. 1-June 30, 2025: Application period for elderly/disability/Veteran’s tax relief programs.
Jan. 6, 2025: Last day to pay taxes without interest. (Since Jan. 5 falls on a Sunday)
Jan. 7, 2025: Tax bills are delinquent and collection actions may take place at any time. Please note: Additional fees may be added to an amount due if collection actions are initiated.
April 2025: Last month to finish payments in the Casual Payment Plan for current overdue bills from 2024. Those bills must be paid in full by this date.
May 2025: Last month to finish payments in the Preauthorized Debit Plan for current overdue bills from 2025. Those bills must be paid in full by this date.
Payment Plans
Do you have concerns about your tax bill becoming past due? Would it be helpful to break up your tax bill into smaller payments? Buncombe County Tax Collections wants to work with you to develop a payment schedule that makes paying your bill manageable.
What types of payment plans does Buncombe County Tax Collections offer?
Is your tax bill too large to pay all at once? We offer you the option of spreading out your payments over the course of the year. Being enrolled and staying current on your payment plan also ensures you won’t be subject to collection actions, such as wage or bank garnishments.
There are two payment options available: The Casual Payment Plan and the Preauthorized Debit Payment Plan.
The Casual Payment Plan allows you to send in a predetermined amount every month; it will not be automatically drafted from your bank account. If you have a bill from 2024, you must finish monthly payments by April 2025. Please call our office for more information or to be set up on this plan. The sooner you begin making payments the smaller your monthly payments will be.
The Preauthorized Debit Plan automatically withdraws a predetermined amount from your bank account every month. If you have a bill from 2024, you must finish monthly payments by May 2025. Please call our office for more information or to be set up on this plan. The sooner you begin making payments the smaller your monthly payments will be.
You may also choose to have your taxes paid through a voluntary wage garnishment. With each pay period, a predetermined amount can be withheld by your employer and sent directly to our office. Please call us for more information.
All payment plans require you to contact our office. For more information or to enroll in a payment plan call a Tax Collection Account Representative at (828) 250-4910 or click here.
Tax Relief
For more information about the County’s exclusion or deferment plans for the elderly, disabled, Veterans, and qualifying agricultural, forestry, or conservation land click here.
Homeowner Grant Program
Buncombe County Commissioners recently approved a new initiative aimed at helping qualified homeowners. You may qualify for up to $300 from the Homeowner Grant Program. Residents in the City of Asheville may also qualify for up to $200 additional dollars through this program. If eligible, grantees may, at their option, choose to have grant funds applied to their property tax bill, any city municipality taxes, and/or applied to other housing related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or insurance. Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals. Start the process at buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30.
Ways to Pay
It’s now even easier to pay online, Buncombe County has partnered with PayIt to allow residents to easily pay their tax bills online through the MyBuncombeCounty portal. Note: If you have used the myNCDMV portal, you already have an account and can use the same login information.
Avoid writing checks and standing in line and pay your property tax bill online in minutes. The new payment portal allows residents to:
Receive bill due date reminders
Make partial payments toward your tax bill
Access payment history
And more
As a reminder, property taxes are due Sept. 1, 2024
Head to tax.buncombecounty.org and type in your address to see your bill, make a payment, update your property record card, and more. Online service payment fees:
Electronic checks: No Fee
VISA Debit: $3.95 per transaction
Credit/Debit: 2.35% per transaction
You can also pay over the phone. Call 1-828-656-5636 toll-free and follow the automated prompts to complete your transaction.
Enter all information as prompted by the automated system.
You will receive a confirmation number when your transaction is complete.
Please note: ?It may take up to three (3) business days for credit card and e-check payments initiated online or via telephone to post to outstanding bills.
To pay by mail use the convenient self-addressed envelope included in your bill, or mail your check or money order to:
Buncombe County Tax Collections
P.O. Box 3140
Asheville, NC 28802-3140
Please do not send cash via mail. Remember that payments must be received or postmarked by Jan. 6, 2025, to avoid a 2% interest fee. Payments mailed to the incorrect address may not be received and interest may accrue.
You can also place your check or money order with your payment coupon in one of our drop boxes:
In front of the Family Justice Center at 35 Woodfin St., in downtown Asheville
At the main entrance of the Tax Department at 94 Coxe Ave., in downtown Asheville
Weaverville Library at 41 N. Main St., Weaverville
Black Mountain Library at 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain
My taxes are past due, what happens now?
Our priority is to work hand-in-hand with you to pay your bill. While we are required by North Carolina law to advertise properties with outstanding taxes due, it is important to note that just because your property has been advertised does not mean the foreclosure process has begun. Foreclosure is an absolute last resort.
If your property has been advertised, you can contact us, and we will help determine which payment option will work best. We want to work with you to prevent collection actions. You can contact our professional Tax Collection Account Representatives at (828) 250-4910 or request a payment arrangement directly from your tax bill at tax.buncombecounty.org.
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Article Information
Updated Aug 05, 2024 02:46 PM
Published Aug 05, 2024 08:00 AM
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