Asheville -- June 29, 2024: The Asheville Police Department is seeking assistance from the public in locating a stolen

trailer belonging to the Asheville Humane Society, as well as identifying and apprehending the individual responsible for the theft.

After conducting an inquiry into the theft of a trailer belonging to the Asheville Humane Society from the organization's property on the morning of June 23rd, investigators have successfully identified and formally accused Joshua Allen Forrest (born on April 20th, 1999) of committing the crime of Felony Larceny in relation to the stolen trailer. Additionally, Forrest is being charged with Felony Larceny for unlawfully taking more than $1,500 worth of donated pet supplies and other goods discovered within the trailer.

Forrest is characterized as a Caucasian male, aged 25, standing at a height of 5'11" and weighing 160 pounds. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He bears a tattoo of a spiderweb on his forehead. Forrest currently lives in Clyde and is suspected to be operating a crimson, single-cabin Chevrolet pickup truck that was involved in the theft of the trailer.


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