Rutherford County: On Sunday, Deputies with the Rutherford County Sheriffโ€™s Office responded to

    Camp Bud Schiele located on Boy Scout Road in Rutherford County, North Carolina regarding a missing JROTC member. The JROTC member was there as part of a camp being held by the United States Army ROTC. (NOTE: JROTC is the acronym for Junior Reserve Officersโ€™ Training Corps)

    A group of JROTC cadets were at the lake participating in a swimming exercise. A 15-year-old male cadet went into the water and was not seen again. Rutherford County Fire Marshalโ€™s Office, Hudlow Fire and Rescue Department, along with Lake Lure Police and Fire dive team members responded to the scene and along with Sheriffโ€™s deputies began a search and rescue operation.

    Dive team members located and retrieved the body of a male. Investigators with the Rutherford County Sheriffโ€™s Office conducted an on-scene investigation of the incident and will continue with investigative follow-up activities. At this time no foul play is suspected and the incident appears to be a tragic accident.

    Agencies who responded and assisted:
    Rutherford County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
    North Carolina State Highway Patrol
    Lake Lure Police Department
    Lake Lure Fire and Rescue Department
    Hudlow Fire and Rescue Department
    Rutherford County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management

    Source: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office

    Image Credit: WNCTimes

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