Henderson County -- April 9, 2024: At approximately 4:30 am, the Mountain Home Fire Department responded to

    635 McMinn Road in reference to a structure fire on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

    Once the scene was made safe, the Henderson County Fire Marshalโ€™s Office along with the Henderson County Arson Task Force conducted the Origin and Cause investigation, which was determined to be Arson. As a result of the investigation, Arson Task Force investigators with the Henderson County Sheriffโ€™s Office have charged and arrested the following individuals: 

    Alexander Dollar of Hendersonville was charged with Second-Degree Arson. Dollar was arrested and booked into the Henderson County Detention Center under a $7500.00 secured bond. 

    Cara Campbell- was charged with Second-Degree Arson. Campbell was arrested and booked into the Henderson County Detention Center under a $7500.00 secured bond.

    Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


    Image Credit: WNCTimes

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