Blue Ridge Parkway Public Affairs Office -- April 6, 2024:As much of the country, and many NPS sites

in the path of totality, gear up for Monday's total eclipse. We're flashing back to the eclipse of 2017 on the Parkway.
A total eclipse occurs when the moon covers the entire sun, except for the corona. If you are in the path of totality, you are in the largest part of the-moons-shadow. If you are in the eclipse path, but outside of the path of totality, you experience a partial eclipse.

While the Parkway is well beyond the path of totality for Monday's eclipse, we are still expecting an 80-85% partial eclipse. Whether you're traveling to totality or headed for a partial-Parkway experience, remember... it is never safe to look at the sun without solar filters, like eclipse glasses or solar viewers.
Solar filters should have an ISO 12312-2:2015 certification, and the manufacturer's name and address printed somewhere on the product.

Do not use solar filters that are missing ISO certification information; torn, scratched, or have wrinkled lenses; or coming loose from their frames. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun.

Image Credit: Blue Ridge Parkway Public Affairs Office

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