Asheville -- April 3, 2024: A man wanted in connection with a serious assault that occurred late Wednesday night is wanted by the Asheville Police Department.

The public is being asked to help identify and locate him.

At 9:57 p.m. on March 27, officers from the Arizona Police Department were dispatched to the 160 block of South French Broad Avenue in response to an assault report. Upon arrival, they discovered a man who appeared to have suffered head injuries and was lifeless as he lay on the ground. After the man's injuries were assessed, Buncombe County EMS took him to Mission Hospital for treatment.

According to the police investigation, the defendant attacked the victim after two males got into a verbal argument. Before the police arrived, the suspect fled the scene.

The suspect is a black male, between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet tall, with short hair, according to police officers who reviewed CCTV footage from the neighborhood. Previously saw donning a voluminous black coat and bleached purple trousers. A red Kia Soul is allegedly the vehicle the suspect is using.

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