Lumberton -- Hania Aguilar, 13, was kidnapped and murdered last month. Her body was found last week. A petition on has been setup  for her father to be granted permission right away to attend her funeral.


Petition: Guatemala Embassy: Grant permission for Hania's Father to attend her funeral. 

The problem is Slain and Murdered Hania Aguilar’s father is in Guatemala and he needs permission to be Expedited to the United States in order to see his daughter one last time, say his goodbyes and attend her funeral. No parent should be denied the right to attend their child’s funeral- especially when Hania was a Citizen-born in Tennessee. This petition is to show support for the father coming to attend the arrangements. Somehow someway the involved agencies should be able to make this work given his family and daughter are victims of a brutal crime that took the life of his daughter! Please sign this petition showing you signed because you support any and all efforts for Hania’s father to come to the United States for this final departing of his daughter! Thank you!

Agencies need to come together diligently to facilitate the process so this father can come to his daughter’s Funeral.

Personal story
I am a Mother, a Parent and a Citizen and I feel this is of proper Humanitarian effort, Principle and our Countries due diligence to allow this man the ability to attend his daughter’s funeral after Hania and her family have been a victim of a brutal violent crime here in the United States! I feel compelled as a human to try any effort at all to help this man and this family unite during such a difficult time! Please sign this petition to show your support of Hania’s father getting here!


Please Sign Petition permission for  Hania's Father to Attend her funeral HERE

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