Weaverville -- February 20, 2024:  Town of Weaaverille Press Release February 16, 2024: 

Avian Flu Detected in Deceased Ducks at Lake Louise in Weaverville

Weaverville, North Carolina, February 16, 2024 – The Town of Weaverville has received confirmation from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission District Biologist that two deceased ducks found at Lake Louise in Weaverville and sent for testing on January 26 have tested positive for Avian Influenza (Flu). 

District Biologist Justin McVey noted that Avian Flu is not a hazard to humans who are around the infected waterfowl or in/around the water, but the disease can be serious, and fatal, for domestic poultry including backyard flocks and other waterfowl. These positive detections in waterfowl are not unexpected, as they can be infected with Avian Influenza and show no signs of illness. They can then carry the disease to new areas through fecal material or oral discharges when migrating. For additional information, visit the USDA APHIS website here

The public is discouraged from touching wild birds that they suspect of having Avian Influenza and are encouraged to report suspected sick waterfowl or domestic poultry to the North Carolina Wildlife Helpline at (866) 318-2401, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, or e-mail HWI@ncwildlife.org.  Sick or dying captive birds should be reported to your local veterinarian, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Science (NCDA&CS) Veterinary Division at (919) 707-3250 or the North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System at (919) 733-3986.

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