Buncombe County -- January 24, 2024: Buncombe County Sheriff's Office reported on Tueday sone man is being charged with multiple serious offenses, including kidnapping, assault, and robbery.

Jeffrey Eugene Pruitt Jr., 30, of Henderson County was arrested by Buncombe County Detectives. a quarrel over some expensive tools. The incident occurred on January 6, 2024 at Claude Taylor Motors and Citgo, 1395 Charlotte Highway in Fairview, the incident happened

The following charges have been brought against Henderson County resident Jeffrey Eugene Pruitt Jr., 30, by detectives from the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office:

ā€¢ Attempted Common Law Robbery;
ā€¢ Assault Inflicting Serious Bodily Injury;
ā€¢ First Degree Kidnapping 

The probe is still ongoing. Mr. Pruitt is awaiting trial after posting a $20,000 bond.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law. 


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