Holiday Happenings WNC!ย 



    Maggie Gets Lit will be held the Saturday after Thanksgiving (11/24) from noon to 6pm at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds.

    New this year from noon to 6pm will be a Christmas Market, a Kids Zone, and food vendors.

    The โ€˜Santa Strutโ€™ is from 3-6 pm and will include a clogging performance by the Appalachia Cloggers, Christmas music with Laura Hawthorne, and contestsโ€ฆUgly Sweater, Best Dressed Pet, and, Best Santa.

    At 6pm we will gather at the waterfall for the lighting up of the trees!

    No admission charge but in the spirit of the season of giving, we are asking for donations of winter coats, non-perishable food for the local food pantry, and gifts for the Friends of the Haywood County Animal Shelter.


    The Town of Franklin presents ... WINTER WONDERLAND 2018

    Saturdays โ€ข November 24th and December 1st - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

    The holidays are a special time for us in Franklin, North Carolina and we invite you to join with us for this most wonderful time of year as Historic Downtown Franklin is transformed into a "Winter Wonderland" featuring: living window displays of Christmas & the Holidays, live sounds of the season outdoors at the downtown gazebo and inside stores, FREE holiday attractions (weather permitting), refreshments, hot cider, great sales from downtown merchants and much more.

    Winter Wonderland is held on the consecutive Saturdays after Thanksgiving. Dates for 2018 are Saturday, November 24th and Saturday, December 1st.

    The November 24th edition of Winter Wonderland coincides with Small Business Saturdayยฎ founded by American Expressยฎ. Plus, that night we hold our Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on the Square! Remember, our Downtown Merchants are open late both nights of Winter Wonderland with great gift ideas for everyone on your shopping list!

    You'll find there's no holiday quite like a mountain holiday in Franklin, so bring the family and enjoy all the music, lights and fun of Winter Wonderland in Historic Franklin, North Carolina. Winter Wonderland is held rain or shine but subject to snow. Schedule subject to change.

    Saturday, November 24th Schedule

    5:00pm to 8:00pm - FREE Miniature Train, Carriage & Wagon Rides
    6:00pm - Entertainment by the White Sisters at the Gazebo on the Square
    7:00pm - Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
    7:15pm - Merchant Sponsored Candlelight Service
    7:15pm - Pics with Santa at the Gazebo on the Square (Bring your own camera)

    Saturday, December 1st Schedule

    5:00pm to 8:00pm - FREE ICE SLIDE Rides - Constructed of 2 tons of ice!
    5:00pm to 8:00pm - FREE Miniature Train & Wagon Rides
    5:00pm to 8:00pm - See Santa Claus!




    Caroling, Cookies, Hot Chocolate - and Santa!

    Venue Kelsey Hutchinson Park
    Address Pine Street
    Highlands NC 28741, US
    Starts Sat Nov 24 2018, โ€Ž06โ€Ž:โ€Ž30โ€Ž โ€Žpm EST

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