Asheville -- November 7, 2023: Asheville Police reported a man was apprehended after he made an unsuccessful attempt to rob a gas station in North Asheville on Saturday night.

APD Patrol officers responded to a panic alarm at a gas station situated in close proximity to the 40 block of Merrimon Avenue at around 10:56 p.m. on November 4th. Upon arrival, staff informed authorities that an individual had a firearm while trying to enter the store, which was in the midst of closing for routine maintenance. 

The perpetrator, Adrian Gabriel Vaughn initially ran away from the location but subsequently came back, only to leave once more upon realizing that the police officers were present. Assisted by an APD K-9 unit, the officers promptly identified Vaughn and effectively retrieved the pistol he discarded while trying to escape from the police. 

Vaughn was apprehended without any trouble and formally accused of the following charges: 

-Charge: Felony Attempted Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon -Charge: Resisting, Delaying, and Obstructing (3 counts) -Possessing a concealed firearm -Aggravated Assault Vaughn was incarcerated in the Buncombe County Detention Facility with a secured bond of $25,000, which may be reduced to $2,500 if paid to a bondsman. The bond was authorized by the magistrate.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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