Letters to My Children This Weekend in Asheville!
Asheville -- October 27, 2023: City of Asheville Government: Looking for something to do this weekend?
Letters to My Children - an art exhibit showcasing the final letters of love and wisdom from a mother to her children is on display now in Pack Square Plaza
Artist Lara Nguyen was diagnosed with cancer in July 2018. The stage 4 diagnosis kept her up all hours, worrying about dying before her son Atticus 7, and daughter Moon - age 9, were grown
When she couldn’t sleep, she wrote letters to them.
Making this work allowed her family to be honest and present for one another.
In opening up these conversations to a wider audience, it was Lara’s hope to ease viewers on their own personal journeys.
Lara’s mission as an artist, teacher, and mother was to encourage others to feel more and hurt less.
Our sincere thanks to Lara's family for sharing this journey with our community.