Asheville -- October 16, 2023: City of Asheville Government Community News:

As cold weather moves into the region, many in our community turn their thoughts to the unhoused population and the additional hardships they face during winter months. 

One of the most immediately responsive assets is the Code Purple program. 

Driven by community organizations, this effort provides emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness during freezing weather.

The Code Purple program kicks off this year on October 15, 2023, and runs through April 30, 2024. During that time members of the Homeless Coalition will determine when a Code Purple will go into effect. You can find details about the program in
the cold purple manual  

Exciting news about the expansion of services this year.

When a Code Purple Can be called. 

Code Purple emergency shelters and services are typically available at 32 degrees or below. A Code Purple may also be enacted this year when temperatures are 33-40 degrees with precipitation.

Additional Beds

ABCCM has 75 beds available between their Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village sites. 

The Salvation Army will also participate this year, adding 16 new Code Purple beds for  people who are unhoused to seek shelter in extreme weather

How is the City continuing to support this community-driven initiative?

The City of Asheville, once again, agreed to fund 50 thousand dollars of the Code Purple from this year in their annual budget. ART buses will continue to offer free rides to shelters for those in needs

Community Responders will assist in the transport of individuals on an “as needed” basis
The marquee at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center will post messaging indicating when a Code Purple will be or is in effect.

Stay Connected

To join the Homeless Coalition’s distribution list to receive notifications about when Code Purple is called, email

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