Buncombe County -- September 27, 2023: Buncombe County Health and Human Services is assisting Eblen Charities with processing applications for heating assistance. Due to the increase in the number of requests received and the overwhelming need for this assistance, partners in Buncombe County are working together to address all requests for this assistance.  

This is a result of a combination of factors including the cessation of other funding sources for energy assistance, extreme cold weather, and complications related to NCDHHS moving to a direct payment system for energy providers such as Duke Energy. These factors combined have resulted in an unanticipated extra administrative need for agencies processing these requests.

If you have requested this assistance:
Please be assured that staff are working to process these requests and will be in contact with you as soon as your request is reviewed.

For those who need this assistance:
If you are in need of energy assistance and have not previously applied, please visit https://epass.nc.gov/ and select Apply for Energy Assistance

There are additional financial supports for our community members:

Housing Rental Assistance Program
Financial assistance is available to support our community members impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who need help with rent, mortgage, or utilities. Click here for more information.

The Septic Repair Assistance Program (SRP)
The Septic Repair Assistance Program (SRP) launched in November of 2022, and Permits & Inspections is still accepting applications through Wednesday, Feb. 15. The SRP provides financial assistance to repair failing septic systems of qualifying homeowners who do not meet the income limit of 80% of Buncombe County Area Median Income ($64,250 for a family of four). Learn more here.

Free Tax Assistance at Local Libraries
County Library System and Council on Aging, Inc. will offer free tax preparations for taxpayers of low and moderate-income, with special attention to those aged 60 and older. More information on this opportunity can be found here.

Affordable Parking Program
Buncombe County is pleased to offer people who work in Downtown Asheville the opportunity to apply for one of a limited number of reduced-rate monthly parking passes at the 40 Coxe Avenue deck. You must meet the eligibility requirements (listed below) in order to apply. The cost of the reduced rate passes is $40/month. Click here for more information.

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