Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Sheriff posted a message on Face Book announcing the passing of Retired Chief Deputy Don Reavis.


    A Message From Van

    It is with a heavy heart that I want to inform you that Retired Chief Deputy Don Reavis passed away this past Sunday. Chief Reavis was a pivotal part of not only this administrationโ€™s success, but the Charlie Long administration as well. He was an example of a true leader that continued to lead and love us after his retirement. He was at the Sheriffโ€™s Office this past Wednesday conducting devotional as he did ever Wednesday. Don will be tremendously missed, but his example to us and love for us will remain.

    Please remember Brenda and Joe along with the rest of Donโ€™s family in your prayers.

    Your Sheriff,


    Obituary for Donald Wayne Reavis Donald Wayne Reavis
    February 15, 1939 - November 11, 2018

    Donald Wayne Reavis โ€œDonโ€, age 79, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and friend to many, passed on to Glory Sunday, November 11, 2018. He was born February 15, 1939 in Madison County, NC 

    to Carl & Juanita Jamerson Reavis.

    After graduating high school from Mars Hill High School, Don began a 56-year career in law enforcement when he served his country as a Military Policeman in the U.S. Army. He completed NC Highway Patrol Basic School in 1961 and worked the roads of Cherokee, Yancey & Buncombe counties with Troop G for 30 years, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant in 1991.

    His sense of duty and love of law enforcement called him back into service to the citizens of Buncombe County. Fondly referred to as โ€œChiefโ€, he served as Chief Deputy to Charlie Long and Van Duncan, retiring again in 2014.

    Read the full obituary :


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