Asheville -- June 26, 2023:  An Asheville police news release on June 23 stated that four people, including a Buncombe County Sheriff's Office officer, were detained on June 22 in connection with a criminal enterprise investigation that involved a probable human trafficking network.

Four different varieties of pistols, 9.97 grams of fentanyl, 13.42 grams of meth, and 13.19 grams of crack cocaine were among the things found after several minors carrying firearms were caught. According to the APD news release, the Department of Juvenile Justice was contacted after the minors were returned to their parents.

Several juveniles carrying firearms were apprehended, and four distinct varieties of pistols were seized.

“Asheville Police Department officers and detectives assisted the Cherokee Indian Police Department to arrest someone wanted that was in the Asheville area on Thursday afternoon,” spokesperson Samantha Booth said in the news statement.

“This led the group to evidence that a broader criminal enterprise was afoot to include a potential human trafficking ring. APD then rallied assistance from state and federal partners and continued investigating.”

A news release from the APD says that Deputy Chad Walker of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office is "ensnared" in the operation. Walker was arrested on June 22 on charges of hiring a prostitute and fired from the sheriff's office soon after. Walker was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility on June 22. The judge then gave Walker his freedom based on a written promise.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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