According to authorities, a biker passed away on the Blue Ridge
Parkway following a medical emergency.

According to a statement from the National Park Service, on May 4 at around 3 p.m., the Blue Ridge Parkway Communications Center was alerted to a report of a bicycle who was experiencing a medical emergency close to
milepost 430, north of Richland Balsam.

When local first responders and law enforcement officers from the National Park Service arrived, they discovered a man having a cardiac attack. Responding EMS staff declared Stewart Parsons, 65, of Midhurst, Ontario, Canada, pronounced
him dead at the scent.

From the National Park Service Press Release May 4, 2023:

"Parsons was cycling with a group at the end of the rider line when he fell to the road shoulder. Motorists came to Mr. Parsons aid and administered CPR until medics arrived.  

No additional details are available at this time.   


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