Rutherford County -- March 20, 2023: In order to support the 2023 St. Patrick's Day Booze and Lose It campaign,
Deputies from the Rutherford County

Sheriff's Office's D Crew set up a DMV checking station on NC Highway 226 in the Golden Valley Community on Sunday, 03/19/2023. Nelson Montgomery, 66, of Forest City, was encountered by deputies while they conducted the checking station. Nelson Montgomery tried to flee on foot, but deputies caught him.

His possession of cocaine, fentanyl, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia were discovered. Nelson Montgomery was consequently detained and accused of the following:

Trafficking, Opium or Heroin
Possess Drug Paraphernalia
Resisting Public Officer
Possess an Open Container
He was given a $80,000 secured bond.
In addition to Mr. Montgomery, Deputies we’re able to cite individuals for DWLR, No Insurance, Failing to Register a MV, Failing to Apply for a Title, and Improper use of a Dealers Tag. Deputies were also able to serve an outstanding warrant on an individual.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

WNCtimes by Marjorie Farrington

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