McDowell County -- Febraru 19, 2024: 24-year-old Kaali Ahmad Tobe of Marion was charged with Assault
on Government Official,

Resisting Public Officer, Felony Assault by Strangulation, Felony Possession with Intent to Manufacture, Sell or Deliver Scheduled II Controlled Substance, Felony Maintaining a Dwelling Place for Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Felony Negligent Child Abuse-Severe Bodily Injury, Child Abuse and Felony Attempt to Escape from County Confinement. Tobe was issued a $130,000 secured bond.

23-year-old Anna Mariah Mills was charged with Felony Negligent Child Abuse-Severe Bodily Injury and Child Abuse.
Mills was issued a $75,000 secured bond.

On the night of Jan 4th, Detective D. Jones and EMS personnel responded to Tobe and Millsโ€™ residence for a two-year-old male in cardiac arrest. The mother and toddler were transported to McDowell Hospital.

While at the residence, Deputies located Tobe, who appeared to be under the influence. As the deputies were speaking with him, he assaulted Detective D. Jones and attempted to flee the scene.

Tobe was immediately placed under arrest and transported to the magistrateโ€™s office where he experienced a medical emergency. As the detectives were attempting to assist Tobe, he again assaulted Detective D. Jones.

Toxicology reports indicate there were narcotics in the infantโ€™s system causing the medical emergency.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington

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