RALEIGH --ย NC Gov Roy Cooper Press Releaseย 


Oct 18, 2018
North Carolina will get 72 new jobs and $11 million in private investment from two economic development projects with manufacturing companies in Madison and Stanly counties, Governor Roy Cooper announced today.

โ€œManufacturers choose North Carolina because of our experienced workforce, robust training opportunities and healthy business climate,โ€ Gov. Cooper said. โ€œThese projects bring new jobs to communities eager for them and reinforce North Carolinaโ€™s reputation as a leading state for manufacturers, from food and beverage to automotive.โ€

Asheville Kombucha Mamas, LLC, a locally owned natural beverage company more commonly known as BUCHI, is expanding in Madison County, creating 28 new jobs and investing $7 million. The company will expand its existing facility in Marshall.

Enforge, LLC, a manufacturer of steel-formed suspension for automotive companies, is expanding in Stanly County, creating 44 new jobs and investing $4 million. The company will bring a major steering linkage project involving forging, machining and assembly to Albemarle.

Details on these job announcements are available at nccommerce.com/news/press-releases.

These two projects will be facilitated, in part, by a One North Carolina grant. The One N.C. Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require a matching grant from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.

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