Test-To-Stay Options Can Help Keep Students in School During COVID-19
Center for Disease Control Media Statement For Immediate Release: Friday, December 17, 2021
Today, CDC released two reports in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report highlighting the use of test-to-stay practices used in schools to minimize absenteeism and learning loss which can occur during traditional quarantine at home.
In light of this updated data, CDC has added information on test-to-stay practices to our K-12 Transmission Science Brief and on our K-12 webpages. Test-to-Stay is another valuable tool in a layered prevention strategy that includes promoting vaccination of eligible students and staff, requiring everyone age 2 and older wear a mask inside schools and facilities, keeping at least 3 feet of distance between students, screening testing, ventilation, handwashing, and staying home when sick.
Additionally, CDC recommends everyone ages 5 years and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19. Adolescents ages 16 years and older can get a booster shot at least six months after a primary series. Widespread vaccination for COVID-19 is a critical tool to best protect everyone from COVID-19 and COVID-19 related complications.
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Page last reviewed: December 17, 2021Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contact: Media Relations 404) 639-3286