RALEIGH --ย Local Communities to Receive $6.7 Million for Parks and Recreation, Gov. Cooper Announces


    Aug 24, 2018
    Governor Roy Cooper today announced the N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund has awarded over $6.7 million in grants to fund 27 local parks and recreation projects across the state. The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Authority approved the grants at its meeting held today in Raleigh.

    โ€œParks and Recreation Trust Fund projects support conservation, strengthen communities, and help local economies thrive,โ€ Gov. Cooper said. โ€œThese grants improve quality of life and encourage residents and visitors to get outdoors.โ€

    Local communities applied for the grants to fund land acquisition, development and renovation of public park and recreation areas. The N.C. Parks and Recreation Authority considered 50 grant applications requesting $12.6 million. The maximum grant awarded for a single project under the program was $500,000. Awardees must match funds dollar-for-dollar for the awarded amount.

    Susi Hamilton, who worked in community planning before her tenure as secretary of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, has seen firsthand how these grants impact communities. โ€œFrom our most rural areas to our largest towns and cities, PARTF grants instill new life into our communities and continue to benefit these areas for generations.โ€

    โ€œRobust recreational opportunities in our communities are more important than ever before,โ€ said Dwayne Patterson, director of the Division of State Parks and Recreation. โ€œWe look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition to improve our physical and mental health and the vitality of our communities.โ€

    The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund is administered through the state Division of Parks and Recreation and was established in 1994 by the N.C. General Assembly.

    Grant recipients and amounts are as follows:

    Local Government County Project Grant Amount

    Aulander Bertie Aulander Municipal Park 129,300
    Benson Johnston Community Park Improvements 366,850
    Black Mountain Buncombe Veterans Park 211,024
    Bladenboro Bladen McLean Park Phase 2 200,595
    Boiling Spring Lakes Brunswick Robert Muse Memorial Park Redevelopment 208,000
    Brevard Transylvania Estatoe Greenway Property Acquisition 90,000
    Bunn Franklin Bunn Community Park 31,000
    Cajah's Mountain Caldwell Cajah's Mountain Town Park 43,575
    Calabash Brunswick Calabash Waterfront Park 147,332
    Concord Cabarrus Hector H. Henry II Greenway, Riverwalk Phase 350,000
    Creedmoor Granville Creedmoor Community Center 500,000
    Crossnore Avery Crossnore Town Park Improvements 5,000
    Davidson Davidson Hughes Park Expansion 168,222
    Elizabeth City Pasquotank Coast Guard Park Improvements 146,000
    Elizabethtown Bladen Green's Lake & Conservation Park 500,000
    Granville Granville Growth, Access and Play: Phase III at the GAP 300,000
    Lake Lure Rutherford Rocky Broad River Park Acquisition 223,125
    Morganton Burke Catawba River Soccer Complex, Phase 3 385,000
    New Bern Craven Martin Marietta Park - Phase 1 475,000
    Ocean Isle Beach Brunswick Ocean Isle Beach Town Park 498,900
    Pleasant Garden Guilford Pleasant Garden Community Center 352,000
    Roanoke Rapids Halifax Chaloner Park Improvements 200,000
    Salisbury Rowan Bell Tower Green 350,000
    Tobaccoville Forsyth Village Park Land Acquisition 41,998
    Watauga Watauga Middle Fork Greenway, Section 4 430,000
    Wilkesboro Wilkes Accessible Recreation Facilities 153,920
    Yancey Yancey Ray-Cort Park Improvement 250,000
    Totals: 27 Projects $6,756,841

    Contact Information

    Ford Porter


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