RALEIGH -- NC insurance premiums for ACA will increase in western North Carolina and decrease in other parts of the state, with larger populations.


    In areas with larger populations, the rates will decrease by 17 to 20.3 percent. In areas like Raleigh and Charlotte, hospital systems are able to compete. Western North Carolina dose not, their rates will go up 9.2 percent, according to Blue Cross.


    Open enrollment will begin Nov. 1 and end Dec. 15. .

    Blue Cross spokesman Austin Vevurka sโ€œWinston-Salem is almost entirely Blue Value. This is a narrow network product that, on average this year, saw a larger decrease.โ€

    โ€œGreensboro and the Northwest part of the state is almost entirely Blue Advantage/Blue Select. These are broad network products that didnโ€™t see that decrease."

    โ€œAs always, rates vary based on location, age, subsidy amount and plan. Individual premiums will be available in October.โ€


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