PA -- Pennsylvania Governor Wolf's Office Jan 5, 2021: Today, Governor Tom Wolf issued the following statement in response

to the Senate’s failure to seat Senator Jim Brewster in the Pennsylvania State Senate as the duly elected Senator from the 45th Senate District. The governor released the following statement:

“Republicans in Pennsylvania and nationally have spread disinformation and used it to subvert the democratic process. Sen. Jim Brewster rightfully won the 45th Senate District, but Senate Republicans are ignoring the voters in the district and refusing to swear him in as Senator. This is a shameful power grab that disgraces the institution.

“It is simply unethical and undemocratic to leave the district without a voice simply because the Republicans don’t like the outcome of the election. Voters, not Harrisburg politicians, decided this election, and Sen. Brewster is the rightful winner.

“All ballots were counted and certified, and the results are accurate. Sen. Brewster received the most votes in this race and should be sworn in as the Senator for the 45th District. There is no precedent, and no legal rationale, for failing to do so.

“I will do everything in my power to ensure that voters have the final say in elections.”

Photo: Jan 5, 2021 Office of Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf 

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