Raleigh -- PRESS RELEASE -- North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper's Office: Dec 16, 2020

    Donate online through NCPTA to purchase supplies to support Public School Students, Teachers and Families Across North Carolina

    The 4th Annual Governorโ€™s School Supply Drive is being extended to encourage more donations for supplies to support North Carolina students and teachers. 

    Public health precautions have required the drive to go fully online with donations collected through the North Carolina Parent Teacher Association, a new partner for this yearโ€™s drive. Visit ncsupplies.ncpta.org to make a donation now through January 16.

    โ€œSupporting students and schools in these challenging times takes just a few clicks and a few minutes,โ€ Gov. Cooper said. โ€œKristin and I have made our personal contribution and we hope you can too.โ€

    โ€œOur children are remarkably resourceful and resilient, but they need your support during this difficult time. North Carolina PTA is proud to partner on this effort to make sure our children have the necessary school supplies,โ€ Harold Dixon, president of North Carolina PTA. โ€œLetโ€™s rally together to defeat COVID-19 and lift up our students and schools.โ€


    Governor Cooperโ€™s School Supply Drive is being extended until Saturday, January 16, 2021.

    The donation portal is available here. Donations made through the portal can be directed to a specific school district or charter school or to a general fund that will be divided among counties with the greatest need. Visitors to the site can also learn more about NCPTA and how to become a member.

    Governor Cooperโ€™s School Supply Drive is offered in partnership between the North Carolina Governorโ€™s Office, the North Carolina Business Committee on Education and its partners, North Carolina Parent Teacher Association, VolunteerNC, State Employees Credit Union, and Communities In Schools of North Carolina.

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