TN - A shooting at a Waffle House would have had more victims if not for a hero stepping up.



At around 3:25 a.m. Sunday morning, a shooter walked into a Waffle House in Anitoich, with just a jacket on, armed with an AR15 and opened fire. James Shaw Jr. 29, rushed the suspect and wrestled the rifle away, tossing it over the counter.

In an interview with USA Today:

“I don’t know if it has hit me yet as far as witnessing other people dying,” Shaw Jr. said. “It's kind of, it shouldn’t have happened. When I was in the ambulance to hospital I kept thinking that I’m going to wake up and it’s not going to be real. It is something out a movie. I’m OK though, but I hate that it happened.”

Shaw Jr. is credited with saving with saving lives and is called a hero for his brave actions.

Shaw Jr. has taken the time to visit the wounded at the hospital and has also setup a gofundme page for the victims.


Shaw Jr. Posted the following on Face Book:



James Shaw Jr. Gofundme for the victims

My name is James Shaw Jr. I am creating this page to help the families of the victims from the Shooting that took place at Waffle House in Antioch, TN. Please take the time to donate as all of the proceeds will be given to the families. Thank you again for your generosity and blessings!

Go Fund Me : Victims of Waffle House Shooting






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