Buncombe County -- Press Release Buncombe County Sheriff's Office: The Buncombe County Sheriffโ€™s Office is warning residents and business

owners about a new scam involving fraudulent letters

sent through the U.S. Postal Service. These letters claim to be from โ€œTax Assessment Securities, Buncombe County, Tax Group Seizure Unit Bโ€ and use threatening language, such as โ€œImmediate Action Required,โ€ to pressure recipients into responding.

There is no such county agency. This is a scam designed to trick individuals into paying a fake tax debt. The enclosed letter, references a Distraint Warrant, a legal term meant to force recipients into compliance.

A toll-free number is listed on the letter, which may make it appear legitimate. Do not call this number. This is a fraudulent attempt to steal money from residents and businesses.

If you receive one of these letters, do not respond. Instead, report it to the Buncombe County Sheriffโ€™s Office and the North Carolina Attorney Generalโ€™s Office. Stay vigilant and share this warning with others to prevent further scams in our community.



Image: Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

Cover Image: WNCTimes

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