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  • Howdy Grant here over at River and Earth Adventures, inc. I run a business on the South Fork of the New River in Todd. We lost everything to flooding when the hurricane came through. A house, trailers, 4 vans, and the majority of our equipment....
    Howdy Grant here over at River and Earth Adventures, inc. I run a business on the South Fork of the New River in Todd. We lost everything to flooding when the hurricane came through. A house, trailers, 4 vans, and the majority of our equipment. Been building this business for 20 years and the river took it all in a matter of a few hours despite moving it all to higher ground. I have been blessed to have some of my gear returned. However I’m still missing a lot. I am missing 12 Old Town canoes, 8 are red the rest are green. Also missing a bunch of kayaks including Perception Ramblers 13.5, 11.5 and 9.5. If anyone has seen my boats and can help reunite the with me I would be very grateful. Willing to trade season passes for their return. 828-865-7238
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