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  • Madison County NC Youth League Baseball
    Hello Baseball family! MCYLB will be entering the Mars Hill Christmas Parade this year!! All kids that participated in MCYLB in 2024 (and siblings) are invited. We will have a rollback truck that we will be...
    Madison County NC Youth League Baseball
    Hello Baseball family! MCYLB will be entering the Mars Hill Christmas Parade this year!! All kids that participated in MCYLB in 2024 (and siblings) are invited. We will have a rollback truck that we will be decorating, the kids will walk behind the truck and can throw candy (we will provide candy). We will also need parents to help keep the kids together. We ask that the kids wear their youth league baseball team jerseys and hats if possible. If not, Christmas attire is encouraged also. We cannot wear any Santa or Mrs. Claus outfits (Parade rules, there is only 1 Santa in the parade). Grinches or any other Christmas character are ok. — with Tiffani Ferguson and
    6 others
    We will be staging on Anderson Rd. in Mars Hill (which is directly across from where you turn onto Bruce Rd. from Main St. like youre going to MHES) at 3 pm on Saturday Dec. 7th.
    If you have any questions please reach out to me or Tanya and we can provide any information and answer questions! We hope for a big turn out!!

    #madisoncounty #christamasevent #marshill


    ‏ — feeling great
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