Asheville -- September 20, 2024: City of Asheville Press Release: The City of Asheville is pleased to announce the release

of a Request for Proposal RFPD  for a service provider to manage the services and operations of the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID). This step marks a significant milestone in the implementation of the BID, which will provide supplemental services within the downtown area with a particular focus on enhanced safety and cleanliness. 

The City is seeking proposals from qualified service providers with experience in managing similar community-focused programs. The selected provider will be responsible for operationalizing the BID’s services in the following focus areas:

*Safety & Hospitality: Ensuring a welcoming and secure environment for everyone     

* Enhanced Cleaning: Keeping our downtown clean and well-maintained

*Special Projects: Undertaking initiatives that enhance the downtown experience

Proposals must be submitted by 5 pm on October 15, 2024. Full details on submission requirements and selection criteria are available in the official RFP document, which can be accessed via the City’s Purchasing/Bid Opportunities here

Community engagement shaped service priorities

During community feedback sessions held in July and August, City staff worked closely with local stakeholders to refine the BID’s service priorities. An engagement summary is available at this link

The City is committed to ensuring that the Downtown BID reflects and responds to the unique character and needs of our community, and that the selected service provider implements the following objectives:

Be intentional about creating a downtown environment that is welcoming and inclusive to all, with a focus on engaging Asheville businesses, residents, and workers.

Provide services and management that improve the downtown experience and quality of life such as complimenting public safety, hospitality, enhancing cleanliness, and beautifying public spaces.

Create a nimble mechanism for championing and sustaining downtown improvement efforts for the long-term.
Increase business activity and attract new investment, with the intention to support small independent businesses.
For additional information about the RFP process or to stay updated on the Downtown BID and implementation of services, please visit the project page here

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