Asheville -- August 23, 2024: Press Release City of Asheville: City of Asheville staff are pleased to announce the new

Hotel Overlay dashboard designed to provide detailed information on the impact of the Hotel Overlay District.

The dashboard provides real -time data with bi-monthly updates. The site provides community members easy access to project information like number of rooms, public benefits provided and status of the project. A development application is uploaded to the dashboard after the initial planning review is completed.  

The dashboard is available on the City of Asheville website under the Planning and Urban Design Department pages under the โ€œMaps and Dataโ€ tab.

The dashboard provides real time data with bi-monthly updates. The site provides community members easy access to project information like number of rooms, public benefits provided and status of the project. A development application is uploaded to the dashboard after the initial planning review is completed.  

The dashboard is available on the City of Asheville website under the Planning and Urban Design Department pages under the โ€œMaps and Dataโ€ tab.

 This dashboard provides information on the impact of the Hotel Overlay District (โ€œOverlayโ€) that prescribes where new hotels may be permitted by-right and includes requirements designed to offset impacts and meet key community goals.  The Hotel Overlay map was implemented by Ord. No. 4856 on 02/23/2021.  The initial language for the Hotel Overlay UDO amendment was adopted on 02/23/2021 by Ord. No.  4855 and substantially amended by Ord. No. 4920 on 12/14/2021.  

The Hotel Overlay includes an incentive to incorporate high priority public benefits, such as contributions to a reparations fund and affordable housing; public art and neighborhood improvement; support for Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises; and options for living wages and green building elements.  

 Hotel Overlay Link

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