Haywood County -- August 15, 2024: Press Release: Haywood County Government Visitors to and within

Haywood County spent $350.15 million in 2023, an increase of 4.2% from 2022.

The data comes from an annual study commissioned by VisitNC, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina.

“In 2023, tourism throughout Haywood County and North Carolina has created a wave of positive impact, significantly boosting our local economy. Visitor spending not only supports our local businesses but also creates new job opportunities for our residents. Tourism has allowed us to reinvest back in our community, improving the quality of life for everyone. We look forward to building on this positive momentum by continuing to invite both new and returning visitors to experience the stunning beauty and warm hospitality that Haywood County has to offer.” - Corrina Ruffieux, Executive Director, Haywood County Tourism Development Authority

Haywood County Tourism impact highlights for 2023:

• The travel and tourism industry directly employees more than 2,131 people in Haywood County.

• Total payroll generated by the tourism industry in Haywood County was $88.1 million.

• State tax revenue generated in Haywood County totaled $12.8 million through state sales and excise taxes, and taxes on personal and corporate income. About $11.7 million in local taxes were generated from occupancy, sales and property tax revenue from travel-generated and travel-supported businesses.

These statistics come from the “Economic Impact of Travel on North Carolina Counties 2023,” which can be accessed at partners.visitnc.com/economic-impact-studies. The study was prepared for Visit North Carolina by Tourism Economics.
Statewide, visitor spending in 2023 rose 6.9 percent to reach a record $35.6 billion. Direct tourism employment increased 4.8 percent to 227,224.

“The new study underscores the importance of tourism to every county in North Carolina,” said Wit Tuttell, executive director of Visit NC. “There’s a lot of competition for travelers’ time and money, and we owe our success to everything from the state’s scenic beauty and outdoor adventure to our mix of tradition and innovation and our welcoming spirit. Those qualities might be hard to measure, but we can follow the trail to a measurable impact on our workforce, our businesses and our tax base. We look forward to continued success.”

NC tourism facts:

• Total spending by domestic and international visitors in North Carolina reached $35.6 billion in 2023. That sum represents a 6.9 percent increase over 2022 expenditures.

• Visitors to North Carolina generated nearly $4.5 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2023. The total represents a 5.8 percent increase from 2022.

• State tax receipts from visitor spending rose 5.6 percent to $1.3 billion in 2023.

• Local tax receipts grew 5.4 percent to $1.2 billion.

• Direct tourism employment in North Carolina increased 4.8 percent to 227,224.

• Direct tourism payroll increased 6.6 percent to nearly $9.3 billion.

• Visitors spend more than $97 million per day in North Carolina.

• North Carolina hosted about 43 million visitors in 2023.


Image: WNCTimes

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