City of Asheville: Over $4.8 M Affordable Housing Projects
Asheville -- April 26, 2024: City of Asheville Community News: The City of Asheville Housing Trust Fund
(HTF) exists to support the development and preservation of affordable housing within the city. The HTF provides financial assistance in the form of loans to developers and nonprofit organizations to help create and preserve affordable housing units.
On April 23, City Council reviewed 2024-25 HTF proposals and approved five projects for funding. Here is a summary of the five approved projects.
Development No. of units Loan Amount Incomes Served Affordability Term* Loan Terms
Star Point Apts 60 $448,582 30-60% AMI 40 years 40-year maturity,0%interest
deferred principle.
Roers Affordable 126 $3,879,366 60% AMI 30 years 30-year term, 2% interest,
30-year term, 2% interest, deferred principle. deferred principle.
Hospitality Houses 2 $40,000 60% AMI 10-15 Years 3-year ter, 2% interest
Mountain Housing DPA 5 $300,000 80% AMI 10 year, 40-year maturity, 0% interest
AAHH DPA 4 $146,000 60% AMI 30 years, 30-year term, 0% interest
Total 197 $4,813,948
Established in 2000, the HTF is administered by the City’s Affordable Housing Division. The fund receives its revenue from a variety of sources, including developer contributions, fees, taxes, and private donations. Since its inception, the HTF has funded a wide range of affordable housing projects, including the construction of new units, rehabilitation of existing units and providing rental assistance to low-income residents.
“The goal of the Housing Trust Fund is to ensure that people of all income levels have access to safe, decent, and affordable housing in the City of Asheville,” said Sasha Vrtunski, Affordable Housing Officer with the Community Development Division. “By providing financial assistance to developers, the HTF helps to create and preserve affordable housing options for low- and moderate-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, among others.”
For more information, visit the Housing Trust Fund page on our website.
Sam Parada
Communications Specialist
City of Asheville CAPE
828-575-6329 (cell)