Mills River -- May 27, 2023:  In an exciting turn of events for craft beer enthusiasts and fans of Appalachian Mountain
Brewery (AMB), the founders of the renowned brewery have successfully repurchased the company from global beer giant Anheuser-Busch.

With the acquisition finalized, the founders are now focusing on their plans to open a new tap room in Mills River, North Carolina, to reconnect with their loyal customer base and revive the brand's original spirit.

Furthermore, the tap room will be designed to offer educational tours and tastings, allowing visitors to gain insight into the brewing process and appreciate the craftsmanship behind each pint of AMB beer. The founders are also working to establish partnerships with local food vendors, aiming to provide a comprehensive experience that showcases the best of the region's culinary delights paired with their exceptional brews.

This move to reclaim their independence and reconnect with their loyal customer base demonstrates the founders' unwavering commitment to upholding the core values upon which AMB was built. By focusing on sustainable practices, supporting local farmers, and maintaining a strong community presence, Spiegelman and Kelischek aim to ensure that AMB remains a beloved craft brewery that not only produces exceptional beers but also contributes positively to the Appalachian region.

In addition to opening their new taproom in the Asheville area, Appalachian Mountain Brewery and Cidery will continue to own and operate their original location in Boone.


image Appalachina Mountain Brewery and Cidery Page

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