Body Cam Videos Released APD excessive use of force
City of Asheville Police Department body-worn camera viewing information guide
City of Asheville Police Department body-worn camera viewing information guide
WINSTON - SALEM - A Winston-Salem police officer has been placed on administration leave after shooting black man during a traffic stop pending an investigation.
ASHEVILLE - Press Release The City of Asheville
RALEIGH -- Press Release - Mar 23, 2018 The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality plans to hold new public comment periods and public hearings to enable feedback for two facilities seeking air quality permits in the Wilmington are
Mar 23, 2018
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality plans to hold new public comment periods and public hearings to enable feedback for two facilities seeking air quality permits in the Wilmington area. The new public comment periods for both draft permits are a response to heightened public interest in the permits.
New comment periods for permits for the two facilities (Tima Capital Inc. and Malec Brothers Transport LLC) will begin in the next two weeks that will clearly state where people can send their comments. Public hearings for each facility’s draft permit to enable people to provide additional feedback on the permits. The times and dates of the hearings will be announced soon.
The two permit requests:
Tima Capital Inc., a fumigation facility in Wilmington, is requesting to modify its air quality permit to enable a change in owners from Royal Pest Solutions to Tima Capital Inc. and increase its use of the fumigant methyl bromide. To see Tima Capital’s permit application, go to
The original comment period for the Tima Capital’s draft permit ran from Feb. 23 to March 25.
Malec Brothers Transport, LLC is requesting a new air quality permit to start a fumigation facility in Columbus County. The company’s air permit application seeks permission to use methyl bromide as part of its fumigation services. To read the air permit application, go to
The original comment period for the Malec Brothers’ draft permit ran from Feb. 15 to March 17.
The division advertised the original comment periods for both facilities’ permits in local newspapers and on the DAQ website.
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NC Gov Roy Cooper - Press Release - March 20, 2018
RALEIGH — Press Release The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) submitted its Behavioral Health Strategic Plan to the NC General Assembly, providing an informed vision for the future of North Carolina’s behavioral health
Raleigh -- Press Releas NC Gov Feb 2, 2-18 Joined by elected officials and stakeholders from coastal NC, Cooper emphasizes threat to coastal economies and tourism
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