Raleigh -- January 20, 2025: Press Release State Treasurer Brad Briner announced today that Jeff Poley will manage the $100 million

 cashflow loan program appropriated by the General Assembly to the 

Department of State Treasurer (DST) to assist local governments affected by Hurricane Helene.
“The people of Western North Carolina have shown incredible resiliency and resolve as our state has recovered from the devastation of Hurricane Helene,” said Treasurer Briner. “I am confident that Jeff and our team will quickly provide much needed financial relief to local governments as we continue the recovery process.”  

Under the Disaster Recovery Act of 2024, DST was designated to provide interest-free cashflow loans to local governments to assist with disaster response activities.  

Poley has been a North Carolina bond lawyer for over 28 years and is a member of a nationally ranked bond counsel firm.  He received an undergraduate degree from Duke University and a law degree from UNC Chapel Hill. He is a former member of the N.C. Rules Review Commission.  


*The above is a press release from the office of State Treasure Bradford B. Briner's Office January 16, 2025

Bradford Party Affiliation: Republican

Image Credit: WNCTimes



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