Asheville -- January 4, 2024:  Asheville Police Press Release:  Asheville Police Department officers arrested a man Thursday afternoon

in connection with a business theft that occurred earlier that day while conducting crime prevention in a flood-affected area.

While conducting crime prevention on Riverside Drive, officers located a vehicle parked behind a business in the 500 block around 2:20 p.m. on January 2nd. Through their investigation, officers identified the occupant, Jeremy David Waldrop (12/30/1977), who was found to be in possession of property reported stolen from a nearby business that morning. During the arrest, he was also found to be in possession of illegal narcotics. 

Waldrop was taken into custody without incident and charged with Felony Possession of Stolen Property and Felony Possession of Schedule II.

This arrest follows Waldrop’s most recent encounter with law enforcement on December 29, 2024, when he was arrested for First Degree Trespassing and Tampering With a Vehicle in addition to five open warrants for Larceny and Failure To Appear for Larceny. 

Waldrop was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility under a $5,000 unsecured bond issued by a magistrate.

If you have any information about illegal activity, you are urged to contact the APD at (828) 252-1110. You can also send an anonymous tip by texting TIP2APD to 847411 or by using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search “Asheville PD” in your app store).

Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

Image: WNCTimes

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