Asheville -- December 10, 2024: Asheville Police Department Press Release: Department Detectives have charged 

Juan Jose Bernal-Ramirez (02/07/1962) with First-Degree Statutory Sex Offense and two counts of Indecent Liberties with a Minor.

The case initially reported in 2016, went cold but was reopened after new evidence came to light. Detectives assigned to the Family Justice Center led the investigation and filed charges following consultation with the Buncombe County District Attorney's Office.

Bernal-Ramirez, a one-legged man who appears to walk normally with the use of a prosthesis, is described as a Hispanic male, 5’5”, 220 pounds, with black hair, brown eyes, and a distinctive scar on his right forearm.

The Asheville Police Department commends the brave survivor who came forward, enabling investigators to revisit and ultimately resolve this case.

Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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