WNC -- November 28. 2024: It was only two months ago that Hurricane Helene hit our mountains and caused so much damage and grief that we will never forget it. Homeowners lost their homes, people sadly died, and many families lost loved ones in unimaginable ways. As we spend Thanksgiving with our families and friends, we remember the people in Western North Carolina who are still grieving.
Even so, we have seen amazing strength and an outpouring of kindness in the face of such destruction. In the days after the storm, neighbors helped each other out, and people came from all over to give their hands and hearts. This group and the people who continue to provide shelter, food, and comfort.
We remember those who have lost loved ones, those who are rebuilding their lives, and the many people who stepped up to help in big and small ways this Thanksgiving. Don't forget about the road ahead. Remember that healing takes time and that our community will stay together as we build back stronger than ever.

Image: WNCTimes

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