Haywood County -- October 22, 2024: Haywood County Government Press Release: The Haywood County Board of

Commissioners October Regular Evening Meeting was held on Monday, October 21st, 2024, at 5:30 PM. Please review the following board update and let Dillon Huffman, Public Information Officer, know if you have any questions.  

1. Administrative/Agency Reports/Presentations 
-Staff provided the Board of County Commissioners with updates related to Tropical Storm Helene.  
2. Consent Agenda (passed) 
-Approval for the meeting minutes from October 1st, 2024. 
-Approval for Releases, Refunds, and Discoveries from the Tax Assessor’s Office in September 2024. 
-Approval for the September 2024 Tax Collections update and refunds. 
- As required by G.S. 159-15, the governing board can allow the budget officer to move funds between different parts of the budget within the same fund. Any transfers must be reported at the next board meeting and added to the official minutes. This report lists the budget changes, called Line-Item Transfers (LITs), that were made in September 2024 under the FY25 Budget Ordinance. The law requires these changes to be shared with the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) each month. This report is just for information and doesn’t need a vote. 
3. Regular Agenda 
-Approval to accept a bid from RYSE Construction for $158,596.00 to make structural repairs and replace the roof on the Waynesville branch of the Haywood County Library, and to authorize the County Manager to sign all related contract documents. (passed) 
Presentations can be found on our website and as always, thank you for your continued support of Haywood County!   

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