Asheville -- October 8, 2024: Press Release City of Asheville: On Monday, October 7, 2024, Assistant City Manager Ben

Woody delivered an update to the public on the status of repairs to the City of Asheville’s water system. A video of that briefing is available on YouTube.  (below)

City of Asheville Water Department Presentations for County Briefings

Members of the public will be able to view the slides from future water system updates in the above folder within 24 hours of the close of each briefing. 

Highlights from the October 7 water system update: 

Contractors are making tremendous progress on waterline repairs. The North Fork 36-in water bypass main is expected to be substantially complete within the next 72 hours. Reconnection of the bypass is one major step in a series of necessary steps to restoring water service for residents and businesses.

The North Fork reservoir continues to be murky. Sediment levels must go down before the water is drawn. Environmental Protection Agency officials are on-site providing resources and technical assistance to treat the reservoir. Water cannot be delivered from reservoirs until distribution systems are repaired.  

The Mills River Water Plant is operating at normal output. There are still pockets in the Mills River service area that have not received water service. If you currently have water, a boil water advisory remains in effect, and Asheville water officials are asking you to please conserve.   

Contractors continue to make progress on large-scale repairs to primary transmission mains. The City’s contractors, TP Howard, T&K Utilities, and Tennoca, are working with NCDOT and their contractors to complete critical repairs to the distribution system as damage is identified and materials are sourced.  
The next water system update is scheduled for the October 9 Buncombe County press briefing at 11:00 a.m.

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