Mitchell County -- August 26, 2024: The following is  Mitchell County Sheriff's Office arrest report from August 18, 2024 - August 25, 2024 

Sheriff's Office


Dalton Westle Hill, 26 of Spruce Pine, NC. Deputy M. Peterson arrested Hill on an order for arrest. He was issued $113.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court.

Rachel Ann Hoilman, 47 of Bakersville, NC. Deputy D. LaPlante arrested Hoilman for failure to appear in court on second degree trespassing. She was issued $3,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court on 9/4/2024.

Jason Corey Jones, 43 of Spruce Pine, NC. Deputy L. Tipton arrested Jones for misdemeanor outstanding warrants. He was issued $5,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court.

Adam Stewart, 34 of Spruce Pine, NC. Mitchell County Detectives arrested Stewart for felony possession of Methamphetamine, misdemeanor larceny, and probation violations. He was issued $108,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court.

Jason Allen Hollifield, 59, of Green Mountain, NC. Detective J. Masters arrested Holifield for felony possession, with the intent to sell/manufacture/deliver sch VI, and possession of paraphernalia. He was issued $ 10,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court on 9/4/2024.

Brittany Jeanette Huskins, 36 of Burnsville, NC. Deputy T. Silvers arrested Huskins for failure to appear in court on misdemeanor charges. She was issued $5,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court on 9/24/2024.

Marsha Diann Vance, 53 of Bakersville, NC. Deputy T. Silvers arrested Vance for failure to appear in court on misdemeanor charges. She was issued $1,000.00 bond and scheduled to appear in court on 9/24/2024.
Citations issued:

Jason Corey Jones, 43 of Spruce Pine, NC. Deputy L. Tipton cited Jones for operating a motor vehicle, while the defendantโ€™s drivers license was revoked. He is scheduled to appear in court on 9/4/2024.

Alejandra Velazquez, 18 of Spruce Pine, NC. Deputy B. Robinson cited Velazquez for operating a motor vehicle, without being licensed as a diver by the division of motor vehicles. She is scheduled to appear in court on 10/2/2024.

Everyone is presumed innocent, until proven guilty.

Division of Correctionโ€™s Sentences:

No sentences were recorded for this period.

Jail Record:

The Mitchell County Sheriffโ€™s Office is currently housing 16 inmates in McDowell County jail and prearranged detention facilities.

Calls for Service:
The Mitchell County Sheriffโ€™s Office had 175 calls for service.
The Mitchell County Sheriffโ€™s Office logged 11 transports to court.

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